These yummy No-Bake Lactation Bites are perfect for a nursing mom or anyone who needs a healthy, hearty, handy boost of energy!

No-Bake Lactation Bites

Real Talk: Breastfeeding is HARD

I know I’m not alone when I say breastfeeding is hard. It’s one of the most amazing things we can do for our babies as moms, but also can be the most exhausting, frustrating, time-consuming, emotional aspect of early motherhood. I’m 2 months into my third go-round at breastfeeding and I can say that although it has gotten easier and much smoother with each baby, it’s still really hard.

I’ve always had the desire to breastfeed our babies and before we even had babies, I had this glorious vision of easily and exclusively breastfeeding them until they were at least a year old. Well, when Baker was born, my visions for how breastfeeding should go were quickly proven wrong. I just didn’t and couldn’t make enough milk. We tried everything…lactation consultants, nursing as often as possible, pumping after and between each feeding, lots of water, lots of rest, Fenugreek, Mother’s Milk tea, Domperidone medicine, increasing my calorie intake by 1000 extra calories on top of the 2000+ I was already eating, and anything else that was recommended. I was willing to try anything and although my supply did increase some, I just couldn’t keep up with his growing demand so we had to supplement with formula.

At first, I was really sad. I felt like such a failure for not being able to feed my baby like mothers are supposed to be able to do. Fortunately, I have a great support system around me that encouraged and reminded me that I was doing my best and that the breast milk I was able to provide for Baker was doing him great and better than none. So I pressed on and continued to feed Baker with a combination of breast milk and formula for 6 months until he was eating solids. A few months in, I ended up pumping exclusively so I knew exactly how much I was making and how much he was getting. I also continued to pump every 3 hours even when he was sleeping a 12-hour stretch through the night. This kept up the demand so I was able to provide him with even more breast milk throughout the day. It worked, but boy was I glad when it came time to pack away the pump.

So when we learned we were expecting twins, I was hopeful to provide as much breast milk for them as possible, but knew that it would be a miracle if I made enough. I was much more comfortable going into breastfeeding with the twins, but the fact that there were two of them was definitely trying and tricky. I pretty quickly resorted to pumping exclusively for them so that they were each getting the same amount of breast milk and so that we knew how much to supplement with. Whew, now those feedings were exhausting, but I got the hang of it and couldn’t have done it without Brandon’s help, especially in the beginning.

When Brandon returned to work, I got into a routine of pumping while the twins were drinking a bottle and then feeding them the breast milk I had just pumped at the next feeding. I would fix their bottles with a combination of breast milk and formula, get them all propped up in two Boppy pillows right in front of me, get myself set up with the hands-free pump, and then hold the bottles in their mouths while I pumped away. All this while keeping an eye on Baker, who was just 19 months when they were born. Absolute craziness looking back on it, but honestly it worked and everyone was healthy and happy. The twins learned to hold their bottles pretty early on which made for much smoother feedings and gave my arms a much welcomed break. We did this for almost 6 months before I packed away the pump once again.

No-Bake Lactation Bites

Watch Me Make Lactation Bites

Hooray for Lactation Cookies!

Before the twins were born, I started hearing about lactation cookies. Eating cookies that could possibly increase my breast milk supply. Score! Sign me up! I even came up with a great Lactation Cookie recipe of my own.

Whether they were really the reason for my increase in milk supply or not, I loved them and needed them to satisfy my constant hunger. I would eat 1-2 of these lactation cookies every time I nursed or pumped. Yes, that’s a lot of cookies, my friends, but I was trying to increase breast milk production as much as possible for twins.

And with an already low milk supply, I needed all the boost and calories I could get. I definitely made several additional ounces each day compared to what I made when Baker was a baby and could feel a difference in the fullness of my breasts.

Well, here we go again, with little Brooklynn! She latched like a champ from the minute she was born and I am definitely making more milk this time than I did with Baker or the twins which I’m so excited about, but I’m to the point now where I just can’t keep up with her growing demand.

Get Your Omega-3 Fatty Acid!

And then I learned that I make skim milk. Go figure! In the beginning, she was getting plenty of breastmilk and was completely satisfied with lots of wet diapers, but she just wasn’t gaining weight.

This is the first time I’ve heard this, but my pediatrician said that my milk is probably more on the skim side. He said that some women make cream and others make skim while others are in between. So we tested some of my milk by pumping a bottle and letting it set to see how much fat separation there was. And guess what? There’s hardly any fat separation. My milk even looks skim.

Y’all, I eat lots of fatty foods (have you seen my addiction to donuts on Instagram?? Just kidding!). Seriously, I am always eating healthy fats like almonds, peanut butter, avocados, olive oil, etc. The pediatrician suggested I up my healthy fat intake to see if we could fatten my milk up a bit.

So I went to town eating several avocados (hello guacamole & avocado toast!), handfuls of almonds & cashews, full fat milk, peanut butter on top of and in everything, eggs, and any other healthy fats that I could consume, almost to the point of making myself sick.

I could see a slight increase in thickness to my milk, but nothing to warrant making myself sick over so I continue to choose healthy fats as much as possible, but more in moderation.

No Time for Baking? No-Bake Lactation Energy Bites FTW!

Before Brooklynn was even born, I knew I would be wanting lactation cookies on hand and thought it might be a little too ambitious to be baking cookies all the time while also trying to keep 4 kiddos alive. 😉

So I came up with these no-bake lactation bites that are so easy to make and can be ready to eat in 10 minutes or less. They have the consistency of dense cookie dough, and they’re DELICIOUS. They’ve been great because in those early days, my mom or Brandon could make them for me without having to worry about baking cookies and the boys love helping make and eat them too.

We call them “mama’s medicine balls”. Haha! Because if we’re running low and they want some, I tell them “those are for mama, they’re like my medicine so I can make milk for Brooklynn.” 😉 😉

No-Bake Lactation Bites

Proteins, Vitamins and Minerals

So what makes no-bake lactation bites so great for nursing? Well, it’s been said that oatmeal, brewer’s yeast and healthy fats and protein such as peanut butter and flax seed can help increase a mother’s milk supply.

Whether it works or not, I can’t say for sure, but these bites are healthy, hearty and handy. I like to have some made at all times because when I get hungry, I get hungry. I need something asap before my hungry state turns hangry. 😉

I snack on these little bites of yumminess all day long…first thing in the morning, on the way to get the boys from school, while pumping and even in the middle of the night (because when I’m nursing, I can’t even make it through the night without eating something. It’s crazy!).

They’re full of my favorite flavors (peanut butter and chocolate!! What! What!) and textures (oatmeal, flaxseed, nuts, mmmm…mmmm!). Seriously, I love them so much and never get sick of them. I most often use a cookie scoop and make them into these bite-sized balls (for convenience and great portion size), but sometimes I’ll just press the mixture into an 8×8-inch square dish and cut them into bars.

I most often double the recipe because we go through them so fast.

No-Bake Lactation Bites

I always leave the base recipe the same with the rolled oats, flax seed, brewer’s yeast, nut butter (peanut butter or almond butter), honey and vanilla, and I most often just add in dark chocolate chips, but sometimes, I’ll leave the chocolate chips out because I like eating them without chocolate chips in the middle of the night. Or in addition to the chocolate chips, I’ll add in 1/2 cup chopped nuts (such as almonds or walnuts) or a handful of dried cranberries, just to switch them up a bit.

If you’re a nursing mama and looking for something to have on hand to keep you satisfied and energized, these no-bake bites are awesome! And if you’re not nursing and just looking for something nutritious and delicious to get you through a busy/active day, they’re so great for that too!

And don’t be scared by the brewer’s yeast. It’s a nutritional supplement that’s been shown to enhance energy levels and boost the immune system, and we could all use a little of that most of the time. I buy mine from Whole Foods, but I think you can order it online too. I’m a huge fan of brewer’s yeast!

Well, there you have it. My struggles and successes with breastfeeding my babes along with a great recipe for no-bake lactation bites, that I know you’ll love!

More of My Favorite No-Bake Recipes

From nutritious energy bites and hearty granola to dreamy and decadent icebox pies, my Favorite No-Bake Recipes leave nothing out but the oven. Skip the heat and enjoy these delicious no-bake eats!

No bake peanut butter pie, 5-ingredient granola bars, overnight oats bars, muddy buddy bites.

How to Store No-Bake Lactation Bites

Store location bites in an air-tight container and store in the refrigerator for up to 2 weeks.

To freeze, place in an air-tight freezer bag or container in the freezer for up to three months.

Enjoy frozen or defrost in the fridge overnight or at room temperature.

Sending lots of love and hugs to all my fellow mamas out there! Hang in there and know that you’re doing your best, no matter how you do it! If you make these No-Bake Lactation Bites, be sure to snap a picture and share it with me or tag me on Instagram @thebakermama so I can see. ???? I love seeing how inspired and creative y’all get with the recipes I share. Enjoy!


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No-Bake Lactation Bites

5 Stars 4 Stars 3 Stars 2 Stars 1 Star 4.8 from 32 reviews
  • Author: Maegan – The BakerMama
  • Prep Time: 10 mins
  • Total Time: 10 mins
  • Yield: 2 dozen
  • Category: Dessert


These yummy no-bake lactation bites are perfect for a nursing mom or anyone who needs a healthy, hearty, handy boost of energy!


  • 2 cups old-fashioned oats
  • 1/2 cup ground or milled flaxseed
  • 3 tablespoons brewer’s yeast
  • 1 cup peanut butter or almond butter
  • 1/2 cup honey
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 1/2 cup dark chocolate chips


  1. In the bowl of an electric mixer fitted with the paddle attachment, add all ingredients except for the chocolate chips. Mix on low speed until mixture is well combined. Stir in chocolate chips.
  2. Roll mixture into 2-tablespoon sized smooth balls and place on a parchment-lined baking sheet. Place in the refrigerator for 30 minutes or enjoy right away. Once the bites have set, transfer them to an air-tight container and store in the refrigerator for up to 2 weeks.


Mixture can be pressed into an 8×8-inch baking dish and cut into bars, if desired. Other optional add-ins: 1/2 chopped nuts (such as almonds or walnuts) and 1/2 cup dried fruit

About The BakerMama

Maegan is the author of her best-selling Beautiful Boards, Spectacular Spreads and Brilliant Bites cookbooks. She started blogging in 2012 and features hundreds of original recipes on The BakerMama. She truly enjoys sharing her easy, family-friendly recipes, creative meal ideas, food board creations, and entertaining spreads to encourage others to get in the kitchen and make something memorable for their loved ones to enjoy together. Learn More

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    1. Hi Christina! Yes, absolutely, just be sure to stir it all together well so that everything is easy to form into bites. Enjoy!

    1. Hi, Caroline! So glad you enjoy them! To freeze, place in an air-tight freezer bag or container in the freezer for up to three months.
      Enjoy frozen or defrost in the fridge overnight or at room temperature.

  1. These are delicious! I left mine out in the car, should I toss them? Should they stay refrigerated?

    1. Hi, Carlie! I think that depends on how long you left them. There have been times I’ve taken them on the go, or in a lunch box for several hours, and they’ve been just fine. But if they don’t smell right or have totally lost their shape, I would probably toss them.

  2. I am currently a breastfeeding mama and looking for some guidance. I really need to up my milk supply for my baby girl. How many should I eat and would coconut work in place of the brewers yeast?

    1. Hi, Irish! First, congratulations! What a sweet time of life. Brewer’s yeast is actually the ingredient believed to increase milk supply. Whether or not it does, I don’t know. But we do know increased nutrition for Mama helps make more nutritious milk. So I usually ate two as a snack throughout the day or whenever I found myself extra hungry. Breastfeeding takes it out of you! Good luck and I hope this helps!

    1. Hi, Karen!Store location bites in an air-tight container and store in the refrigerator for up to 2 weeks. To freeze, place in an air-tight freezer bag or container in the freezer for up to three months. Enjoy frozen or defrost in the fridge overnight or at room temperature.

    1. Hi Star! My family certainly did/does. I had to hide them from my family when I was breastfeeding so I knew I would have some when I wanted them. 😉 brewers yeast is a nutritional supplement so you might want to check with your pediatrician before letting your toddler eat them. Also, be sure to check the ingredients if your family has any allergies. Enjoy!

    2. I love these lactation bites! With my first baby/breastfeeding journey, I used to buy those lactation cookies you can find online, which really ended up being so expensive and unhealthy. After having my second baby a few months ago, one of the maternity nurses at the hospital shared this recipe with me (I wish I remembered her name bc I’m so grateful). I’ve been making them almost weekly ever since. They are a great treat (breastfeeding hunger, am I right?!) and they actually serve a purpose, aiding with milk production. I add in a couple scoops of the Mama Natural collagen protein to make these extra filling and if the mix gets too crumbly when attempting to roll and shape the bites, I just rub some coconut oil into my hands to help with binding. The only downside to these bites is that like The BakerMama said, everyone loves them. My husband eats these up too, so I have to hide them behind items in the fridge lol. Thanks so much for this great recipe!!

      1. Hi, Priscilla! I am sorry that you end up having to share, but so happy that everyone enjoys them so much. And I’m so glad they helped on your breastfeeding journey. ❤️

  3. These are delicious and I pumped 2oz more than usual the first day eating them! I usually get just under 4oz pumping both sides and I got a total of 6oz today in one pump. Amazing!

    1. Hi, Milea! I’m so glad you’re having an easier time of it. I’m so glad you enjoy them! Congratulations on your new little one and happy Mother’s Day!

  4. These were tasty and easy, although the texture is a bit drier than I would prefer. Like it needs a more of a wet ingredient to keep it from being crumbly. Or perhaps I didn’t mix it long enough. Something to keep an eye out for! I love the simple list of ingredients and will make again.

    1. Hi, Mary Beth! Sometimes, if the peanut butter is a little dry or not stirred well, it can make the bites a bit dry. If the peanut butter is good, the honey should be enough to bind and keep them moist. Hope this helps!

  5. I’ve made these every single baby I’ve nursed and they are the perfect breakfast or snack. I’ve added white chocolate chips, semi sweet, milk, walnuts, craisins… no matter what they’re amazing. I do increase the brewer’s yeast to meet my needs! It’s so flexible as a recipe and always yummy.

    1. Hi, Sam! I love this. I’m so glad that you’ve made them your own and that you have enjoyed them for so many years! Thank you for sharing!

      1. We added some avocado oil to help boost the healthy fat in them as well, and it had the unintended benefit of making them so they weren’t as sticky on our hands when we rolled them out. We added 3 Tbsp of avocado oil to the recipe.

  6. this recipe is delicious! the second time I made it I added 1/2 cup shredded coconut and split the peanut butter in half with almond butter because i didn’t have enough peanut butter. it is such a good variation!

    1. Hi Christie! You could substitute the flaxseed with chia seeds or hemp seeds. Or you could just leave them out and add an additional 1/2 cup oats. I hope this helps. Enjoy!

      1. Hi, Dana! Yes, they freeze really well in an air-tight freezer bag or container for up to three months. I will sometimes enjoy them frozen or let them defrost in the fridge overnight or at room temperature if wanting to enjoy them asap, but not frozen. Hope this helps. Enjoy!❤️

  7. I have a silly question.

    Do you cook the rolled oats first? or just throw the rolled oats into it as is?

    1. Hi, Anne! Not a silly question at all. You just throw them in. No cooking needed. Hope this helps, enjoy!

  8. Hello! I’m about to make these (my son is 18 months and I’m still feeding but obviously have had a drop since he is eating solid meals now..) but I don’t have enough honey, could I substitute 100% maple syrup? Or is there a different honey substitute I could use?

    1. Hi Diana! Yes, you can definitely substitute the honey with maple syrup. It will still help bind them together and tastes great! Enjoy and best wishes!

  9. These are great! I saw a comment asking about nutrition facts, which is something I was also curious of. I used an online calculator, and here’s what they said:

    159 calories per serving (assuming a serving is 1 tbsp)
    -9.6g protein
    -14.3g carb
    -5.3g fat
    – 5g fiber
    -5g sugar
    -6mg iron

    Overall, a healthy snack that helps boost milk supply. 🙂

  10. These were so easy to make, especially with a clingy newborn! My question is thought, what would be the calorie count?? Thanks!

  11. Hey! Wondering if you can sub chia seeds for the flax seed or is it better to just leave out all together? Thank you!!

  12. Thank you for this amazing recipe! I’m going on week 6 of nursing our 3rd son and wish I had these all three times I was nursing! Not only are they delicious, I’m able to pump at least 7 ounces when I pump. I’m not sure if it’s from eating these or just a good supply but my pumping wasn’t nearly as successful with my other two.
    I always double the batch since I eat 4-6 a day. I follow the ingredients exactly, only I add 1 cup of chopped walnuts and 1 cup shredded coconut. It’s a delicious addition to the dark chocolate and peanut butter. I find using a mix of peanut and almond butter helps as almond butter can sometimes be too dry to hold it all together.
    Thank you again!!

    1. Hi, Renata! Aw, congratulations! Regardless of how it’s happening, I’m so glad you’re finding success this time. And I’m so happy you like the bites. Take care of yourself! ❤️

      1. Have you tried freezing these? I am due in a couple of weeks and doing some meal prep to prepare.

      2. Hi, Rebecca! First, congratulations! What an exciting time. And yes, they freeze really well in an air-tight freezer bag or container for up to three months. I will sometimes enjoy them frozen or let them defrost in the fridge overnight or at room temperature if wanting to enjoy them asap, but not frozen. Enjoy! ❤️

  13. Hi! I haven’t tried the recipe yet, but I just wanted to thank you for the blog/article. I just had my first baby two months ago and my milk supply was already low in the beginning and it has definitely tanked. We started off with formula because he wouldn’t latch in the hospital and I felt so discouraged. Your post helped me to feel more “normal”, and since I’ve been struggling with not making enough milk and feeling like I wasn’t a good enough mom, it’s just really comforting to see I’m not the only one who struggles with this. I’m excited to try out the recipe!

    1. Hi, Deanna. I know that struggle so well. And I also know it only gets easier when we share with others. Thank you so much for your comment. I will bethinking of you. And congratulations! ❤️

  14. All I can taste is the brewers yeast and I can’t handle the taste, did I put too much or is that how they’re suppose to be?

    1. Hi Whitney! Did you use an unflavored brewer’s yeast powder like this one: I would recommend using an unflavored brand which you can’t really taste. Hope this helps and you get to enjoy them again soon!

    1. Hi Ashlie! I would recommend grinding the whole flaxseeds in a grinder or food processor to use in the recipe because they’re easier to digest and you’ll get all the nutritious benefits from it when it’s ground. Hope this helps. Enjoy!

      1. Hi Amy! Yes, they freeze really well in an air-tight freezer bag or container for up to three months. I will sometimes enjoy them frozen or let them defrost at room temperature. Enjoy!

    1. Hi AC! Yes, quick oats will work great as well. If the mixture is too moist to roll into balls, just add a bit more oats at a time until the mixture binds together nicely. Enjoy!

    1. Hi, Memere! Nope! I don’t provide nutritional information or calorie counts at this time because everyone uses different brands of ingredients which often have differing nutritional values. I would recommend plugging the ingredients you use into a free online recipe nutrition calculator like: Hope this helps. Enjoy! ❤️

    1. Hi, Kayla! I think that would be a question for your doctor! I know you’re supposed to avoid fatty foods and I don’t know if peanut butter counts. Here’s to speedy healing!

    1. Hi, Dana! They freeze really well in an air-tight freezer bag for up to three months. Hope that helps! Enjoy!

    1. Hi Mary! It certainly depends on your needs. Everyone’s body is different. I personally needed several a day to noticeably increase my supply. This was on top of a significant increase in my caloric and fat intake with my regular meals. I would usually eat 2 lactation bites between each meal. They worked really well for me. Hope this helps and best wishes!

  15. Sorry this isn’t strictly about the recipe! I just wanted to say you are an absolute hero! I had twins too, I am/was keen on breastfeeding too, I am/was into the whole pumping malarkey and not enough milk and have had a third child … so once again…you are a hero in my eyes! I hope you have people around you telling you so every day 🙂

    1. Hi, Lili! That’s so kind of you. Motherhood (and everything that comes with it) is so wild, isn’t it? Thank you ❤️

    1. Hi, Sarah! Oh, dear! Two possible reasons for this would be that one, the nut butter you used wasn’t mixed well (without the oil distributed evenly, nut butter gets crumbly) or two, the honey was old or you didn’t use enough. You might try adding a bit of honey to see if they go back together, but if the problem was the nut butter, it might not solve the problem. Hope this helps. ❤️

      1. These are delicious, my hubby and young kids love to snack on them, too! So easy to make. I use almond butter in mine, and have experimented with switching up flavors — different kinds of chips, or using raisins and adding cinnamon. Going to try a chai spice version next. 😉 I’ve used lactation cookie recipes with these ingredients in the past and do feel like they help my supply if I eat a few a day, so assuming these have a similar effect. I’m 4 weeks postpartum and so far my milk is keeping up! <3 Thanks for the recipe, these are a staple in our fridge now!

      2. Hi, Megan! Aw, I love it! Congratulations on the new baby and best of luck to you all!

  16. I was at first given these and proceeded to make them myself y’all…when I say obsessed-they are so good!! I have made them twice in a week because they keep disappearing! They’re so easy to eat while on the go or with one hand not to mention I really do think my supply has increased. Make them!! Also, I made mine with almond butter and some almond extract just to try it and it doesn’t disappoint!!

    1. Hi, Lauren! I’m so glad you enjoy them! I’m always to happy to hear when new mamas try and love them. Thank you for sharing!

  17. Hello! I first made these bites for my daughter, after she had her baby. I kept a few for my husband and myself cuz they are just so yummy! Do you have calorie and nutrition info for this recipe?

    Cory C

    1. Hi, Cory! Aw, I’m so glad that you are all enjoying it! And congratulations on the grand baby! I don’t provide nutritional information or calorie counts at this time because everyone uses different brands of ingredients which often have differing nutritional values. I would recommend plugging the ingredients you use into a free online recipe nutrition calculator like: Hope this helps. Enjoy! ❤️

    1. Hi, Rachel! I don’t provide nutritional information or calorie counts at this time because everyone uses different brands of ingredients which often have differing nutritional values. I would recommend plugging the ingredients you use into a free online recipe nutrition calculator like: Hope this helps. Enjoy! ❤️

  18. Hi Meagan,
    I’ve made these for my daughter ~ who brought my (1st) granddaughter into the world. They taste great (I add more spices: cardamom, ginger, allspice, clove; and ginger bits)!
    My problem is that they are so crumbly & hard to keep form/shape.

    Do you have suggestions? Do I just add more peanut/almond butter, honey, maybe coconut oil??
    Please help ASAP, I’m leaving tomorrow night, 2/17 for a visit, and want the batch that I made to hold it’s shape (ball or bar)
    Thanks from a new grandma!!

    1. Hi Dana! If you’re adding spices to the recipe, those absorb moisture which changes the recipe. You would definitely need to adjust other ingredients in the recipe to accommodate for the added spices. It depends on how much spice you’re adding as to how much additional moisture would need to be added. I would start with a tablespoon or two of peanut butter and honey and go from there. I would have to test the recipe with these additional spices to say for sure exactly how much of each of the other ingredients is needed for the bites to hold their shape. Hope this helps. Best wishes!

    1. Hi Cate! It certainly depends on your needs. Everyone’s body is different. I personally needed several a day to noticeably increase my supply. This was on top of a significant increase in my caloric and fat intake with my regular meals. I would usually eat 2 lactation bites between each meal. They worked really well for me. Hope this helps and best wishes!

  19. Hello! Just made these as I’m patiently waiting for my first baby to arrive! Do you think these will freeze okay?

    1. Hi Gina! Congrats! I’m so happy for you and wish you a smooth and safe delivery with lots of sweet snuggles once baby arrives. Yes, these bites freeze great! Just place the formed bites in a single layer on a parchment-lined baking sheet in the freezer for about 1 hour until firm and then transfer to a resealable freezer-safe plastic bag or container to freeze for up to 3 months. To defrost, remove desired number of bites from the freezer and let them set at room temperature for 20 to 30 minutes. Hope this helps. Enjoy!

    1. Hi Jessie! You can mix them in a large bowl with a sturdy spoon. It will just take a little more effort to get everything well incorporated. Best wishes and enjoy!

    1. Hi Ayesha! Not a stupid question at all. You use the oats as is, uncooked. They would be too mushy once cooked. Enjoy!

      1. thank you for getting back to me so quickly, will definitely make these tonight and share my review.
        I’m trying to boost back my supply and i’m looking forward to trying these out.

  20. I’ve heard that brewer’s yeast can have a bitter taste, so I was hesitant to try this recipe. I was pleasantly surprised! I did not notice the yeast at all. In fact, I think the yeast and flax complemented the peanut butter really well and just had an overall nuttiness with a slightly earthy undertone. Overall, these were delicious! I’ve already made a second batch for a mama friend and I’ll be experimenting with new flavors very soon! I will say, I had some trouble rolling mine, but really squishing them to warm the peanut butter a bit as your form them helps. I also tried adding some nutella to a few, which was delish!

  21. which the nutrition contents is the same as the ones you have posted from Amazon.. my only problem is that the nutritional yeast I found is cheese flavor lol do you think it will really change the flavor of the cookies or do you think it will be ok with all the rest of the ingredients that it will cover it up?

    1. Hi Angel! I would not recommend using nutritional yeast because it does have a strong cheese flavor that would not work well in this recipe. I would recommend an unflavored Brewer’s Yeast such as this one: Hope this helps. Enjoy!

      1. Hi Shannon! Absolutely! We make them all the time without the brewers yeast, especially since I’m no longer breastfeeding. I hope you enjoy them as much as we do. 🙂

  22. Ok so I’ve had such a hard time finding brewers yeast of any kind at my local grocery stores and without having to order it but I have found nutritional yeast which the nutrition contents is the same as the ones you have posted from Amazon.. my only problem is that the nutritional yeast I found is cheese flavor lol do you think it will really change the flavor of the cookies or do you think it will be ok with all the rest of the ingredients that it will cover it up?

    1. Hi! I would not recommend using nutritional yeast in this recipe as the only nutritional yeast I’ve tried has a very strong savory cheese flavor. If you can’t find brewer’s yeast, I would recommend either leaving the brewers yeast out or substituting it with chia seeds, hemp seeds or additional flax seeds for added nutrition. Hope this helps. Enjoy!

  23. I love this recipe but I HIGHLY RECOMMEND using the food processor to grind the oats smaller. It is so much better when you do this. I’ve had them both ways. Please grind the oats , you will thank me .

  24. These are the best things I’ve ever eaten. My mum made them for me pp and now I’m pregnant with my second and had a craving for them. So delicious 🤤😍

  25. I made this 3 times when visiting my daughter/new mom. She had just moved and didn’t know where the mixer was, so I just mixed with a wooden spoon in a big bowl. Also, we didn’t have any brewer’s yeast so used chocolate protein powder instead. Added raisins as well as choc chips at the end. They were yummy and hit the spot, esp. at 3:30am!! THX!

  26. easy to throw together and anything with peanut butter is a winner for me. I like the bitter edge of the brewers yeast so that didn’t bother me. However, I found my mixture too crumbly to hold together after carefully measuring everything. I didn’t want to add more honey to bind as I found the honey flavor already strong and didn’t want the added sugar so I added about 1/2 c more peanut butter. That did the trick. I’ve had luck with other milk boosting recipes that feature brewers yeast and flax so I am confident these will be a good treat to help with production

  27. These are delicious! I was buying cookies for months now that include these ingredients and spending a lot of money. Now that I can make then myself, I’m saving a lot & I know exactly what goes into them. They increase supply too!

    1. Hi Paige! They last for up to 4 weeks in the freezer if stored in a freezer safe baggie or sealed container. Best wishes and enjoy!

  28. Thank you for this recipe I am looking forward to trying it! I have a question about the brewers yeast. Am I able to use Active Dry Yeast instead? I have Fleischmann’s Active Dry Yeast and wanted to ask before I used it.

    1. Hi Ariann! No, please don’t use active dry yeast in this recipe. Active dry yeast is a leavening agent used when baking. Brewers yeast is a nutritional substitute. Hope this helps. Enjoy!

  29. I Love this recipe! Super easy, very healthy, and definitely helping with my breast milk supply! I’m fully nursing a 3 week old and I eat these for breakfast or snacks to help curb my constant PP hunger from nursing as well as increase milk supply. Thanks for the recipe!

    1. Hi Tiffany! Yes, they are very different in taste. Nutritional Yeast has a savory flavor that resembles cheese so I wouldn’t recommend it in this recipe. You can find Brewer’s Yeast online ( or at most stores like Whole Foods and Target. Hope this helps! Enjoy!

  30. Thank you for sharing this recipe. I made them for my daughter who is 2weeks postpartum. She likes them so much and says they really seem to give her some needed energy quickly! Breastfeeding is going well. She’s going to make them for two friends who will also deliver soon! So easy and as her mom I love knowing that I helped her a little.

  31. Made these today, easy to throw together and anything with peanut butter is a winner for me. I like the bitter edge of the brewers yeast so that didn’t bother me. However, I found my mixture too crumbly to hold together after carefully measuring everything. I didn’t want to add more honey to bind as I found the honey flavor already strong and didn’t want the added sugar so I added about 1/2 c more peanut butter. That did the trick. I’ve had luck with other milk boosting recipes that feature brewers yeast and flax so I am confident these will be a good treat to help with production.

    1. Hi Lindsey! Sorry I’m just seeing your message. Yes, you could use maple syrup or agave next time. Hope this helps. Best wishes!

  32. You are a super Mum going through all of that. I can relate to your story. I have to pump and bottle feed my baby boy and I also have to use a nipple shield when breastfeeding. From the stress my milk supply went down so I had to give formula fir a while and had to to start taking domperidone. Its so stressful having to pump bottle feed and clean/sterilize etc. I was so looking forward to breastfeeding and the bonding with my baby. I was naive in thinking it would be so easy, and I definitely have days where I feel defeated and feel like it takes away time I could have with my baby, but I’m also glad I can give him my milk. I’d like to try and get off it and use natural foods to help my milk supply. These are so yummy and quick to make.

    1. Hi Hazel! Thank you for sharing! Your story will comfort so many other moms going through the same experience. You are certainly not alone in this journey. I know exactly how frustrating and disappointing it can be, but you are doing your best. All that truly matters is your love for your little guy and I have no doubt he feels your love and efforts constantly. Hang in there and best wishes! Enjoy these days. They fly by way too fast. xoxo

  33. Amazing!! Thanks for sharing your story, I’m also having a very, very tough time trying to breastfeed my little Nina with very little milk supply… I was counting on breastfeeding her exclusively and for some reason, I thought it would just happen naturally. At the end of her first week I still didn’t have real milk and she was loosing too much weight even though I was feeding her like every 45 minutes, pumping in between. We had to go and buy bottles and formula in the middle of the night because we snobbed them as gifts at the baby shower, haha (what a shameful mistake) ! Anyways, milk or no milk, let us have a yummy snack because darn, motherhood can be hard! xoxo

    1. Hi Antonet! It certainly depends on the person, but I will usually eat 1-2 bites at a time. I don’t provide serving or nutritional recommendations though.

    1. Hi Savita! I haven’t tried them with a date paste, but it’s certainly worth a try, It would add a really nice natural sweetness to the bites. Enjoy!

  34. I apologize if you had this information somewhere and I overlooked it. How many do you suggest to eat a day?!?

    Thank you!

    1. Hi Kari! It’s certainly different for each person and their nutritional needs so I couldn’t say for sure. I personally would each 2 each time I nursed our babies, but I needed a lot of extra calories to increase and keep my supply up. It also depends on how many other lactation boosting foods you’re eating throughout the day. Sorry I can’t say for sure. I hope you enjoy them though. Best wishes!

    1. Hi Meng! They freeze great! I just place the fresh-made bites on a cookie sheet and freeze for about one hour first. Then remove from cookie sheet and place in an airtight freezer-safe bag or container to keep in the freezer for up to 3 months. Just set then out at room temperature to defrost. Enjoy and best wishes!

    1. Hi Lindsey! They freeze great! I just place the fresh-made bites on a cookie sheet and freeze for about one hour first. Then remove from cookie sheet and place in an airtight freezer-safe bag or container to keep in the freezer for up to 3 months. Just set then out at room temperature to defrost. Enjoy and best wishes!

  35. Followed the recipe as is and they turned out amazing! Used regular bitter brewers yeast and thought that the sweetness from the honey, vanilla and Pb masked it well. My husband loved them too. Will make again!

  36. This recipe is AMAZING. I subbed the chocolate for raisins and dried berries and added 1.5 tablespoon cinnamon and it turned out so good! Next time, I’m going to add less honey because it turned out a little too sweet for me. This is a recipe I will be making for a long time. I’m gonna have such a hard time not eating the whole batch in one day. Thank you for sharing!

  37. I ran out of honey and subbed in molasses as I had seen that in other lactation recipes and it is DELICIOUS. Also used dairy free mini Enjoy Life chocolate chips. Very good. Very happy to have a recipe that is easy to make.

  38. Hi
    Thanks for sharing your experience and recipe! May I know if I can use Nutritional yeast instead of brewer’s Yeast?

    Also, I’m currently 36 weeks pregnant, when do you reckon I can start eating these to kick-start my milk production?


    1. Hi Alana! I’ve never tried it because nutritional yeast usually has a savory taste that I didn’t think would taste good in the bites, but it’s certainly worth a try for the added nutrients that are very similar to brewer’s yeast. I started eating them while I was still pregnant, mostly for the nutritional benefits, but maybe consult with your doctor first just to make sure. Enjoy and best wishes!

  39. Hi! These look delicious! I’ve been eating lactation cookies along with oat meal since my son was born 7 months ago. I just discovered he has an oat allergy. The cookies have been amazing for my supply. Is there any variation of these bites that don’t involve oats?

    1. Hi Copley! So happy to hear you’ve been enjoying the lactation cookies. You could try a flake cereal that doesn’t contain oats, bran cereal, a crispy rice cereal, or quinoa as a replacement for the oats. Hope this helps. Enjoy & best wishes!

  40. I had my baby January 2020 and have made these twice. I don’t know if I necessarily see a difference but these are so tasty.

  41. I’m having a c-section in 3 weeks and I was told by our doctor that it wouldn’t hurt to start thinking about milk supply before birth so I have lots of colostrum for our little girl. I found some cookie recipes, but I’m lazy and these looked easiest. Took me all of 5 minutes to throw these together and they are delicious (I already ate 3 before putting them in the fridge)! Thanks for the great recipe! Looking forward to eating lots of these in the coming months.

    1. Hi Kara! First of all, congrats and best wishes for a smooth and safe delivery followed by lots of sweet snuggles with your new baby. I’m so excited for you! And I’m so happy to hear you’ve found the lactation bites to be easy to make and delicious to eat. Thanks for sharing!

  42. I just went out yesterday and bought ingredients for making lactation cookies for the first time. However, I didn’t know when I’d actually have time to make any. I saw this recipe and knew I had to try them first! I was pleasantly surprised to find that it was quick and easy to mix by hand (since I don’t have an electric mixer). The texture was perfect and they taste great. I made them smaller than the recipe calls for and ended up with more than 2 dozen (33 to be exact). I’m looking forward to seeing if my milk production increases when I pump. I’ll try to remember to hop back on in the next few weeks and post an update about that…
    Thanks, Maegan!

    1. Update: Wow, these worked like a charm! I made then yesterday and when I double pumped today, I got a total of 6oz! That’s a tremendous improvement from the 2.5oz I was getting before.
      This recipe is definitely a keeper!

  43. Thank you so much, these are going to help 2 of my friends who are breastfeeding moms! One of my friends baby is in the nicu and she needs to produce more since she has to pump. As a nicu mom myself I had a friend deliver these to me and they were amazing and my milk supply was amazing!

  44. I made these last night and used steel cut oats. They are absolutely fantastic! The steel cut oats give a wonderful crunch and texture. Highly recommend the substitute if you don’t have old fashioned oats on hand.

    1. Hi Alison! That’s so great to hear. What kind of steel cut oats did you use? And did you cook them first? Continue to enjoy! 🙂

      1. I used Bob’s Red Mill Organic Steel Cut Oats. I didn’t precook them so they do stick in the teeth a bit but that’s all part of the fun and helps me not eat them all at once ????

  45. I want to make these for my daughter-in-law but even Whole Foods didn’t have the brewer’s yeast. I read on line you can use less than half the amount of active dry yeast instead but didn’t know if that was for baked goods or something raw like these. Any idea?

    1. Hi Annette! Oh goodness, I wouldn’t be able to say for sure. I only have experience with the brewer’s yeast. You can buy brewer’s yeast on Amazon, if that helps. Did you check the health and beauty section of Whole Foods? Unless they were just out, I can’t imagine them not carrying it as I’ve always been able to get it there. Fingers crossed you find some and best wishes to your daughter-in-law.

      1. Hi Amy! They freeze great! I just place the fresh-made bites on a cookie sheet and freeze for about one hour first. Then remove from cookie sheet and place in an airtight freezer-safe bag or container to keep in the freezer for up to 3 months. Just set then out at room temperature to defrost. Enjoy and best wishes!

  46. Hello! I’m interested in making your recipe. However, I’m allergic to flax seed. Would you happen to have a substitute?

    Thanks for the help!

    1. Hi Katie! So excited these peaked your interest! You can either leave them out or if you want the added nutrition and crunch of a seed, chia seeds are a great substitute. Enjoy and best wishes!

  47. I dont need to increase supply, I make plenty of milk. Can I leave out the brewer’s yeast or is there another benefit to the yeast?

    1. Hi Jen! Yes, you can definitely leave the brewer’s yeast out, but it’s considered a nutritional supplement and is rich in several vitamins, minerals, protein and fiber. Best wishes!

  48. Hi, I plan on making these for my second baby to nurse with but was wondering if you could freeze them? I want to make them ahaead of time and have them ready!

    1. Hi Katie! Absolutely, just place the bites on a cookie sheet and freeze for about one hour. Remove from cookie sheet and place in an airtight freezer bag or container. Enjoy and best wishes!

  49. Thank you SO much for the recipe! These are WONDERFUL!’I made these for my daughter today to help her with her keep up her milk supply for my new grandson and they are totally awesome! I like the dried cranberry idea someone had posted, I will totally try that in the next batch. I added about a 1/2 cup of chopped nuts to this batch as well for a little extra crunch (& the fact that nuts are good for the milk supply too is an added BONUS!). I used a cookie scoop to portion out the bites a bit better (dang OCD) and we got a good 32-33 out of them this way and still seem to be a pretty good size as well (about 3-4 bites big)!

  50. Hi Maegan!

    Thank you so much for sharing this story. It is truly inspiring!
    I just tried out the recipe and these lactation bites are so yummy! I can’t get enough of them.

  51. Hi – what can I use instead of the peanut butter or almond butter? My stepdaughter has a nut allergy, so I can’t bake with any nut butters. Thanks!

  52. Love these!! I pulsed the chocolate chips in a food processor first, and it helped make the chocolate spread more evenly through the bites, and I didn’t have the problem of the chips falling out and also
    Being to hard to bite into. These are a lifesaver when I’m starving and my hands are full with the baby

  53. Hi bakermama,
    what about steel cut oats? Im 2 months into breastfeeding and loving it, albeit exhausting it is working really well for me. also I do not have a stand mixer… how to mix it all together?

    1. Hi Bianca! I wouldn’t recommend using raw steel cut oats in this recipe as they’re hard to digest. Steel cut oats are best cooked first. You can certainly mix the ingredients in a mixing bowl with a sturdy mixing spoon. Enjoy and best wishes!

    1. Hi Heidi! Absolutely, just place the bites on a cookie sheet and freeze for about one hour. Remove from cookie sheet and place in an airtight freezer bag or container. Enjoy!

  54. Omg these are sooo amazing. Thank you for the recipe. I substituted the choc chips with one tablespoon of unsweetened cocoa powder and they still taste amazing! Or you can substitute the choc chips with cut up pieces of Hershey’s with almonds ???????? that was even better! Thanks again!!! ????????

      1. They do help keep you regular which I thought was a nice benefit in addition to the boost in supply I got. 🙂

  55. These are delicious! Thanks for the recipe! My husband and my 2 year old daughter love them too. I don’t know if I am having supply issues or not but it’s nice to have something to give me piece of mind. My son if 5 months old and I’m planning to reach a year like I did with my daughter.

  56. Just made these today and they are delicious! Our daughter is six weeks old and breastfeeding has been the most difficult thing I’ve ever done! Glad to hear I’m not alone in this. Here’s hoping these bites help increase my supply some!

  57. Just found these after searching through all the lactation cookie recipes that have regular flour and sugar in them!! Soooo happy to find whole ingredients and something so fast and easy to make!! I was in love before I even finished mixing them up. Instead of choc chips I used raw cacao I had on hand and I am literally overjoyed! Thank you for this awesome recipe and presenting it so loosely. Can’t wait to try different versions of them.

    1. I’m so happy you found this recipe and that you’re enjoying the bites! I literally lived for them (and my babies, of course!) when I was nursing and I still make them often because they’re so yummy! Continue to enjoy and best wishes!

  58. Hi just a quick question. I ran out of honey and vanilla extract. There is anything else I can substitute them in the meantime?

    1. Hi Joanna! Maple syrup would be a great substitute. No need to worry about the vanilla extract. Or you could try agave. Hope this helps. Enjoy!

  59. Hi, sorry if this is a silly question, do I have to cook the oatmeal before use it to make the lactation bites?

    1. Hi! No, as long as you are using old-fashioned rolled oats or quick cooking oats there is not need to cook them. If you are using steel cut oats, you would need to cook those first. Enjoy!

    1. Hi Bharghavi! It’s different for everyone, but I can say that they did help me noticeably increase my milk production.

  60. Hello,
    Just curious how long you think it would take to start seeing any sort of increase if these were to be effective?

    1. Hi Dawn! Everyone is so different so it would be hard to say. Some see immediate increase and others increase a little over time while others don’t see an increase at all. I personally noticed the increase pretty quickly and the more often I ate them, the more it would increase.

    1. Hi Lesley! They have similar nutritional benefits, but vary greatly in taste. Nutritional yeast has a cheesy flavor that might not taste so great in these bites. Hope this helps.

  61. Do these hold up in the freezer and if so for how long? Im 9days from my due date and wouldnt mind having some of these on hand.

    1. Hi Katherine! Absolutely, just place the bites on a cookie sheet and freeze for about one hour. Remove from cookie sheet and place in an airtight freezer bag or container. Congrats and best wishes!

    1. Hi Diane! She should probably check with her doctor just to make sure, but I don’t see why not. They won’t do anything for milk supply before she has the babies, but they’re packed with great nutrition for growing twins. Best wishes! 🙂

  62. I have made these at least four times in the last two weeks. I have found that mixing the chocolate chips in with honey, PB and vanilla keeps them from dropping out of the cookies. I then add that to everything else. I also press then into a square silicone pan, cool them, take them out and cut them. These are so much more than lactation bites. Just plain healthy.

  63. I have a recipe very similar to yours. They are sticky in the end, but I throw mine in the oven at a low temp for 8 minutes. They lose their stickiness and are more like cookies :). Thanks for the recipe!

  64. Your story is inspiring – thank you for sharing! It’s so important to be reminded we are not alone in the breastfeeding journey and everyone has their struggles ????

  65. Very nice … my nearly 2 year old helped me …calling for ‘more’ the whole time I tried to roll the balls. Hope they work as I love all the ingredients and have just started searching for ideas to help with milk supply…. life is busy with a nearly 2 year old and 3 month baby. Substituted the chocolate for raisins and accidently bought flax seeds whole instead of milled …still taste okay.

  66. Wow- these are good! Thanks for the recipe! I didn’t like some lactation cookies I made, but these are great. I didn’t have chocolate chips, but I had a few peanut butter chips. So, I substituted them and added 1.5 tbsp. of cocoa powder. They are seriously SO good. The only problem will be keeping my husband and daughters away from them!
    (really struggling with supply and hope these help!)

  67. Hi Maegan!

    I absolutely love these lactation bites and make them every single week! Thanks for an amazing recipe. Was just wondering how long these are good for in the fridge?

    Thank you,

    Lindsay Smyers

    1. Hi Lindsay! I’m so happy to hear you are enjoying them. They’ll keep for up to two weeks in the fridge. Enjoy! 🙂

  68. I couldn’t find brewers yeast at the store but found yeast flakes. Says it can be used for drinks or in food. Is this the same or different?

    1. Hi Natasha! It’s different, nutritional yeast has a nutty, cheesy flavor which might not taste so great in this recipe. It has very similar benefits though. I find my brewer’s yeast at Whole Foods if you have one nearby. I think you can order it online too. Hope this helps & best wishes!

  69. MAEGAN
    I just made these no bake cookies and I was so easy and so tasty. Thank you so much for the recipe. I hope that it will help boost my milk supply up.

      1. Hi M! I am trying to figure out the nutritional value per ball, do you have that worked up? Thank you! i MADE them last night and OMG GOOD! Just had my baby boy 5 weeks ago. 🙂

      2. Hi Britt! I don’t provide nutritional information at this time because everyone uses different brands of ingredients which often have differing nutritional values. I would recommend plugging the ingredients you used into a free online nutrition calculator like: Hope this helps. Congrats on your baby boy! Enjoy & best wishes!

    1. Hi Yessi! I eat raw old-fashioned oats all the time. I haven’t ever heard that they’re not okay to eat and I haven’t ever had any issues eating them.

  70. I love love love these lactation bites. I like them the best with semi sweet chocolate chips and instead of a cup of peanut butter, I do 1/2 cup of pb and 1/2 cup of nutella. They are delicious and so easy!

  71. These are deeelicious!! Trying to get my supply back up after a 4 day nursing strike from my 9 month old!! Thanks for the yummy, and super easy recipe!!

  72. Hey mommas! I know a bunch of these are more than a year old, but for the mommas just getting here, I add cinnamon to the brewers yeast & let it sit like that while I get everything else ready. Helps! Doesn’t completely kill it, but I’m pretty sure the only thing that would, is do me thing I’m not willing to do…removal of taste buds! Lol
    On our 13th month! I’m excited & dreading when she no longer wants milkies.
    Have a blessed day!

  73. Hi, I’m pregnant with my 3rd due Dec. I never made hardly any milk for my other 2. My first I tried fenugreek, teas, prescription meds, and pumping after every feeding. Nothing increased my supply and always had to supplement. My second I always supplemented and gave him what little tiny bit of milk i made while I could, only a couple weeks. I’m not sure if anything will help but am willing to try. Do you think if I make these and start eating them a couple weeks before I’m due it’ll help “prep” for milk or is it more of a increase once you have milk type of thing? Hope that makes sense.

    1. Hi Stephanie! Congrats on #3! Maybe check with your doctor, but I think it’s certainly worth a try. Everything in them is good for you, whether nursing, pregnant or neither. Best wishes! 🙂

  74. Hi, I just wanted to say these look great, I’m going to try making some as soon a second I get the chance. Also, you’re peadiatrician doesn’t know what he’s talking about with the ‘skim’ milk thing! The fat concentration of breast milk changes over a feed – in the beginning it is lower in fat, called foremilk, and the last bit is higher in fat, called hindmilk. So when he got you to express you might not have pumped long enough to get all the hind milk! Your baby is also more efficient at removing milk than a pump. Apparently all women’s let down patterns are a bit different too and the last let down can occur around 8 minutes after the one before it, and that’s where most of the fat will be.

    1. Hi Jenni! They’re so yummy. I hope you enjoy them as much as I did when I was nursing. My pediatrician was spot on as well as my lactation consultant. I ended up pumping exclusively for my daughter for several months and there were several days when I had to store everything I pumped and give it to her the next day or a few days later due to work/travel/etc. and I never got more than a very thin layer of separation at the top of my milk. My milk always looked skim (almost more like water) and the layer of separation on top looked more like milk than anything close to cream. I have friends who pump exclusively too and every ounce they pump looks and stores like cream. And I have friends who produce milk like something in between. So based on the way my milk looked and the lack in weight gain from all of my babies when I was breastfeeding exclusively, I do believe I make skim milk.

  75. I don’t really like peanut butter that much. Are there substitutes I can use instead of peanut butter to bind all the ingredients?

    1. Hi Missy! You could use almond butter, sunflower seed butter, blended dates, or really any nut or seed butter that you might like. Hope this helps. Enjoy!

    1. Hi Deyanira! Absolutely! Just freeze them in a single layer on a baking sheet first for about an hour and then transfer them to an airtight freezer safe container or freezer safe plastic bag to store them. Enjoy!

  76. Hello! I’m a lactation consultant who loves this recipe! I have made multiple batches for friends and would love to share your recipe with mama’s at a local latch-on event we will be having on Saturday in honor of world breastfeeding week. I would like to have printed copies of your recipe, with credit given to you for the source. Please let me know if this would be ok. Thank you!

  77. HI! Sorry if this has been asked before – how do you think these would freeze? I am pregnant with #3 – and know that I never produce enough milk so trying to plan ahead 🙂

    1. Hi Elizabeth! Yes, they’ll freeze great! Just freeze them in a single layer on a baking sheet first for about an hour and then transfer them to an airtight freezer safe container or freezer safe plastic bag to store them. Enjoy!

  78. I have a two week old. This is my third child, all breastfed, but I started to lose my milk supply so I desperately looked for anything that would increase my supply. I tried this recipe first because I didn’t have time to bake lactation cookies. I also don’t have a mixer so I just used a spatula and my hands to mix I loved them. I don’t know if it’s coincidence, but yesterday I was pumping 4-5 oz per session and today I’ve been pumping 7.5 oz. I want to try adding dried cranberries on the next batch, and am even thinking of making these as power bars for cycling. Bottom line, thanks for such an easy and great recipe!!

  79. Hi! I searched all over for brewer’s yeast, and I ended up getting packets of yeast from a beer home brewing supply store. I said I was looking for brewer’s yeast for baking. Think this is all the same?

    1. Hi Sarah! Yes, it should be the same. If you need more and have a Whole Foods near you, you should definitely be able to find it there. Best wishes!

  80. I was drinking upspring milkflow powder with fenugreek and blessed thistle to increase supply and noticed my son was more fussy trying to pass gas so I stopped that and he seemed fine. So, I was looking for something to increase my supply without having to take fenugreek and stumbled across these bites! So easy to make. I have definitely noticed an increase. I exclusively pump due to latching problems and pump between 7-9 times a day (my son is two months). I’ve been able to pump betwee 28-32 ounces a day!! I’ve also been eating as much oat related products as possible. So I snack on life cereal, oatmeal square cereal, granola with pumpkin and chia, and oatmeal squares. Quicker products have oats in them and I think that’s been helpful too. But I have noticed that when I don’t have these bites that my supply drops a bit. They taste great and I always have some in my freezer.

    1. Hi Katie! I’m so happy you found these bites and that they are helping increase your supply for your little guy. Love all the oat product recommendations. That will be so helpful for others! I was the same way…eating anything and everything with oats in it really helped. I know how much of a commitment it is to pump exclusively so props to you, mama! You’re amazing! Best wishes and enjoy that little guy! Thanks for sharing. 🙂

    1. Hi Margot! I certainly wouldn’t be able to recommend how many to eat a day to see a difference because every mom is different. Some could eat just one and notice a big difference while others would need to eat several to notice a small difference. I personally would eat 4-6 a day for a good boost in my supply. When I’m nursing, I have to keep my caloric and fat intake really high to keep up with demand and fatten up my skim milk so I used these bites for both supply boost and good caloric/fat increase in my diet. Hope this helps & best wishes!

      1. How long did it take for you to see the increase? A day? Few days? Week?

        Thank you!

      2. Hi Jennifer! Usually within a few days. Depending on demand, I would adjust the number of bites I’d eat each day. Hope this helps. Best wishes!

  81. These came out absolutely deliciously! I made them into bars as you suggested as an option. I’ll probably try dialing down the honey next time since I’m trying to watch my sugar intake, but this is an absolute treat. Even my hubby approved. I also loved your sharing of your breastfeeding journey. <3

  82. I really love these and will differently keep making them the only thing I did different was mini chocolate chips and I couldn’t find brewers yest so I’m gonna order that for next time.

  83. About to make my second batch of these. These are amazing! Just had my 4th baby as well 2 weeks ago, and my kids are close in age too! (No twins here, but my oldest will be 5 in a few months….so ages 4, 3, 2, and a newborn…its a circus!) Ps I added cocoa powder to my first batch bc we had run out of chocolate chips. They still came out great! Thanks for the recipe.

      1. Hi Rebekah! I wouldn’t recommend substituting cocoa powder for chocolate chips. It will probably dry out the bites. I would need to test the recipe with cocoa powder before I could say how much would be needed or if any other ingredients would need to be adjusted to make it work. Maybe just make them without chocolate chips. They’ll still taste great!

  84. These are delicious! I (almost) feel guilty eating them 😉 I only add half the honey, and sub in coconut oil in its place for the health benefits.

  85. Sorry I replied to the wrong comments.. Amanda/Stacey – any chance you ladies got the info you were looking for so I can leverage off of your hard work? 😉

    1. Hi Liz! I don’t provide nutritional information for my recipes, but you can easily plug the ingredients you use into a free online nutrition calculator to get the information. Just google “free online nutrition calculator”. Hope this helps. Enjoy!

  86. Maegan- I’ve made these countless times and always mean to say thank you for such as great, easy recipe! I love them and will continue to make them even when not pregnant, nursing, etc. I like throwing in other stuff too like unsweetened coconut flakes or almond meal.

    1. Love it, Heather! I’m so happy you make and love them and that you like making them your own with coconut flakes and almond meal! Enjoy them and your sweet little one(s)! 🙂

  87. Great cookies! Is there anyway to tell the calorie count on these? Trying to increase my calorie intake for milk production.

    1. Hi Stacey! I don’t provide nutritional information on my site, but you can easily plug the ingredients into an online nutrition calculator to get the calorie count per serving. Just google “free online nutrition calculator”. Hope this helps. Enjoy!

    1. Hi Amanda! I don’t provide nutritional information on my site, but you can easily plug the ingredients you use into a free online nutrition calculator to get the info. Just google “free online nutrition calculator”. Hope this helps!

  88. This is very similar to my protein balls–minus the protein shake mix. They are so good. Oh and I also added dried unsweetened coconut. I like the texture it adds.

    I’m nine months into nursing my first child and my supply just took a huge hit since he’s teething, I had my wisdom teeth taken out and I got a stomach virus all with in three weeks of each other. I’m desperately trying to increase my supply. I know I could just have finally regulated from my over supply that I had for the longest time but I miss having that abundance of milk and not needing to supplement (I have been supplementing for a couple months now). Thanks for the back story an drew the recipe!

  89. Hello! I’m pregnant and I want to get prepping on snacks and meals. Do you think I can make a batch of these and freeze them?

    1. Hi Silvana! Yes, they’ll freeze great! Just freeze them in a single layer on a baking sheet first for about an hour and then transfer them to an airtight freeze safe container or freezer safe baggie to store them. Best wishes!

  90. Hi, these are so good! I am eating one right now. I don’t know if I measured incorrectly, but I had way to much flax seed. I am sure I put half a cup. But it seems like so much more. Not quite the fan of them, get stuck in my teeth and of you live in the mid west the seeds remind me of ticks! ????
    I will make them again for sure, less flax seed I think. Other wise so simple to make and delicious!

  91. Mmmm I just made these and I can’t stop eating them! I actually substituted the chocolate chips for a mix of M&M’s and white chocolate chips. I liked them with a little more sweetness than the dark chocolate. Thank you so much for this recipe! I hope it helps me produce more for my son. I’m trying desperately to keep up with his (enormous) appetite. Thanks for sharing your story and this delicious recipe!

  92. Hello! You mentioned you bought your yeast at Whole Foods, I went there and they sold me Nutritional Yeast and said it was the same thing. Can you provide the name of what you use? I’ve read online and it says they are different. Friends say the nutritional yeast tastes cheeses (and not good in cookies) where the brewers yeast is like beer. Any input is appreciated! Thank you!!

    1. Hi Amber! I use BlueBonnet Brewer’s Yeast Powder and they’ve always had it at Whole Foods. You can buy it on Amazon as well. You definitely want brewer’s yeast over nutritional yeast. Hope this helps. Enjoy!

  93. I’m just wondering if you have a nut free recipe. I wanna make oatmeal bites but all the recipes I find have peanut butter or other nuts in them and I unfortunately can’t have those.

      1. Hi there! Do you use Brewer’s Yeast Powder? Or just Brewer’s Yeast (non-powder)?


  94. Sounds wonderful! Could I make this in a food processor instead of with electric mixer? I don’t have a paddle attachment.

    1. Hi Erica! I would suggest just stirring the ingredients together in a bowl with a spoon instead. The food processor will chop the ingredients up, which you don’t want. Enjoy!

      1. Hi Kristilyn! They freeze great! I just place the fresh-made bites on a cookie sheet and freeze for about one hour first. Then remove from cookie sheet and place in an airtight freezer-safe bag or container to keep in the freezer for up to 3 months. Just set them out at room temperature to defrost. Enjoy and best wishes!

  95. Hi, I’m due in three weeks with my first baby and am loving the look of this recipe! Hoping my eating them earlier in they help bring my milk in quicker. Just wondering how long these would keep in the freezer for and I was hoping to make a big batch of them to take to the hospital and also to have some when I get back home? Thanks so much.

    1. Hi Lauren! Congrats on your first baby arriving soon. So exciting! These should last for up to 4 weeks in the freezer if stored in a freezer safe baggie or container. Wishing you a smooth and safe delivery and lots of special moments with your precious new addition. Enjoy!

    1. Hi Katie! I don’t provide nutritional information on my site, but you can easily plug the ingredients you use into an online nutrition calculator. Just google “free online nutrition calculator”. Hope this helps!

  96. I’ve made these a few time with pretty good results but I had to leave out the flax (my intolerance) and Brewers Yeast (LOs intolerance). Instead, I replaced them with malt ovaltine and coconut oil. Oh and I only used a TBSP of raw honey the second time because it was too sweet but they turned out delicious.

  97. I’ve been following you (and your adorable family) on Instagram and Bloglovin for over a year now but I just stumbled upon this post when I was looking for lactation recipes. I’m six weeks into the breastfeeding journey with my first baby. I am in the same boat and have tried ever suggestion under the sun but I still have to supplement with formula. I actually have had to since the beginning because it took two weeks for my milk to really come in. It made me feel so much better to hear I’m not the only one with this struggle and it’s reassuring that you had better luck with each kid. Anyways this is kind of long and rambling but I just wanted to say thanks for sharing your story!

  98. Hi! These look great, I can’t wait to try them! Do you think they would freeze ok? I often freeze other bliss ball type recipes to extend life. I was hoping to make a big batch of these before Bub arrives!

    1. Hi Sarah! Yes, they’ll freeze great! Just freeze them in a single layer on a baking sheet first for about an hour and then transfer them to an airtight freeze safe container or freezer safe baggie to store them. Enjoy!

  99. Thanks for the recipe! I feel like it actually worked to boost my supply when I suspect the Honest Company’s Lactation Plus reduced it.
    I used chia seeds instead of flax. They are really good with peanut butter.
    Do you think that the consistency would be the same if the oatmeal was ground?

    1. Hi Kimberly! That’s so great to hear! I don’t think the consistency will be the same if you grind the oatmeal, but I think they’ll still taste great. You might have to adjust the honey and peanut butter slightly to make sure they hold together. Let me know how they turn out! Enjoy!

  100. I’m waiting for my first baby to arrive (due next week!) and have gone on maternity leave and am looking for little projects to keep me busy. These are so delicious!! I subbed semi sweet mini choc chips and cut the amount (the cookie mixture was plenty sweet for me) and I can’t stop eating them. I’m full to bursting but they are SO good! Hope this baby comes in the next several days…planning to take these in my hospital bag as one of my post-birth snacks. Otherwise will have to make a second batch ????. Thanks for the recipe!

    1. Congrats Brittany! You’re so close! Wishing you a smooth and safe delivery and lots of snuggles as you welcome your sweet baby. So glad you’re enjoying the bites! They’ll be great for post-birth snacks. 🙂

    1. Hi Rachelle! Yes, I think maple syrup would be a great substitution for the honey. You might add just a little at a time until the mixture is easy to form into balls. Let me know how they turn out. Enjoy!

      1. I ran out of honey the last time I made these and used maple syrup and it worked great!! As you suggested, I just added a bit at a time until the mixture reached the right consistency. They turned out great!

    1. Hi Nathalie! I wouldn’t be able to recommend. It’s up to you, your milk supply, how hungry you are, etc. I personally need a lot of extra calories when I’m nursing and I’m always hungry so I eat a few bites each time I nurse. Enjoy!

  101. […] Lactation bites were my BFF.  I loved making myself lactation bites, they were so tasty & gave me the extra little boost that I sometimes needed (especially around month 10 when I started to have my period again). […]

  102. Just made these! I’m three months into breastfeeding our first and am always worried about keeping up my calories so that I’m making enough milk:P I love that these are so quick and easy! I subbed half the honey with 1/4 cup of coconut oil so they wouldn’t be quite as sweet and they are deeee-licious! Thanks for the recipe!

    1. If I don’t have brewers yeast (and couldn’t find it in the stores I went to) can I substitute nutritional yeast?

      1. Hi Jade! I’ve never tried it because nutritional yeast usually has a savory taste that I didn’t think would taste good in the bites, but it’s certainly worth a try for the added nutrients that are very similar to brewer’s yeast. Enjoy and best wishes!

  103. I didn’t realize I didn’t have flax seeds I do have milled flax seed. Would it be ok to use that instead since I do not have flaxseeds?? Or could I replace them with chia seeds?

  104. I just wanted to say thanks for being so honest about your breastfeeding story. You were incredible to pump for your twins so long and work that hard to feed them and your other babyies. You deserve all the cookies in the world. I’m so sick of looking on Pinterest and seeing tips by women on how to pump the day’s milk by 8am. Why? So they can get a viral post? Ugh. I’ve ranted off subject, but you’re awesome and I’m gonna subscribe to your blog. Thanks for this yummy looking recipe!

  105. I just made these and they’re delicious! I found your recipe when I forgot to buy butter to make lactation cookies, but these were so easy that they may be my go to. I only pump 2.5oz total in 20 min right now and I’m hoping these really up my output because I’ll be going back to work in a few weeks and I’m scared I won’t be able to pump enough for my son. Do you eat these right before/while nursing? Or just throughout the day?

    1. Hi Lauren! So glad you like them! Yes, I eat them right before/during/right after a feeding and just when I’m hungry for a snack. Best wishes going back to work. 🙂

    2. Hi Lauren, I’m in the same boat as you. I’m pumping 2.5-3 oz total in a 20 minute session. Did these cookies help? I’m going to make some either way but just wondering.

    1. Hi Nickolet! I think doubling the honey would be too sweet and sticky. Do you like any other kind of nut butter like almond, cashew, etc.?

  106. Thanks sooooo much for this!!! Just a quick Q, how much should/could I eat per day?

    1. Hi Monique! I’m no nutritionist so I wouldn’t be able to recommend how many to eat a day. I personally eat 4-6 a day, but when I’m nursing, I have to keep my caloric and fat intake really hight to keep up with demand and fatten up my skim milk. If your track calories, you could factor these into your daily intake or you could just eat them as snacks throughout the day when you get hungry. And if you’re nursing, you’re probably hungry all the time, like me! 😉 Sorry I couldn’t be of more help. Enjoy!

    2. This recipe literally saved my breastfeeding my milk supply is back up now thank you sooo much!!!! Oh and it’s DELICIOUS!!

  107. Does it matter if it’s old fashioned oats? Would instant oats be just as good?
    And is the honey used to sweeten it? Im wondering if I should omit it.
    Thank you for the recipe!

    1. Hi Pang! You can definitely use instant oats in place of the rolled oats. The honey adds sweetness, but also acts as a binding ingredient to hold the oats together along with the peanut butter. Enjoy!

  108. I tried making these and they taste sharp due to the brewer’s yeast. Is it the same for everyone else? I just made them last night and I’m not sure if they’re making any difference yet.

    1. Yeah they were a bit sharp for me too and i even added more honey and used semisweet chocolate 🙁 They weren’t HORRIBLE but just had an odd taste to it.

    2. I haven’t made them yet, but the brewer’s yeast I picked up today said “unbittered” on it. Hope they come out alright. 🙂

      1. I made these and they are AMAZING!! I switched honey for maple syrup and I cant get enough. I wonder how long until I notice a difference in milk production. My LO is demanding more than I can make. I hope these help!

    3. I made them and added cocoa powder instead of choc chips they taste good but as for the milk process I haven’t seen a difference. The only difference I’ve had is bad gas and those ground flax seeds really make you poop lol. Just being honest!!!

      1. Hi Allison! Yes, they’ll freeze great! Just freeze them in a single layer on a baking sheet first for about an hour and then transfer them to an airtight freeze safe container or freezer safe baggie to store them. Enjoy!

      2. I always freeze them! I’ve made these before (without the brewers yeast) as energy bites and my family loves them!! Just made them tonight with the brewers yeast!! Fingers crossed this helps my supply! ????????

    1. Made these tonight and they are super easy and tasty. I’ve had issues with milk supply since my daughter was born a month ago (on domperidone) so hoping these help a bit! I do find they have quite a bitter aftertaste which I don’t love, assume it’s the brewers yeast?

      1. Hi Amanda! Congratulations! I’m so happy to hear you’re enjoying them. Did you use a non-bitter brewer’s yeast? I use a non-bitter brewer’s yeast like this one,, and can’t taste it at all. Continue to enjoy & best wishes!

  109. I’m just about 9 months into my third go around with nursing. I agree it’s a beautiful way to bond with our babies…but BOY is it exhausting. Every time I tell my husband I am going to wean my babies sooner than a year…but I can never bring myself to do it. 😉 It definitely is a labor of love for me! In my most tired and sick-of-being-touched moments I sometimes wish that my milk would dry up so that I could stop (LOL)! These bites look awesome! 🙂

    1. I hear ya, Laura! It’s definitely bittersweet when the time does come to stop nursing. A labor of love for sure! Best wishes! 🙂

  110. Breastfeeding was a nightmare for me for the first 2 months (difficulty with latching and undiagnosed thrush for 6 weeks…youch!) and still, almost 8 months in, I worry about my supply daily. I always have a batch of lactation cookies on hand but I love this idea for lactation bites! And I love that they are no-bake. These are going on my weekend to-do list…and I’m going to double the recipe like you suggested, even though I don’t have other kids that will be eating them. I just know I will regret it if I don’t!

    1. Yikes! And being a new mom makes it even more stressful. So awesome that you’re 8 months in! Looking back, it’s all worth it, but in the moment it can be so exhausting both physically and mentally. Hope you enjoy the bites! 🙂

      1. What is the best brewers yeast to use. There are so many and different milligrams?

      2. Hi Katie! You can use either one. I use Jif Natural or Skippy Natural usually. I’ve also used almond butter and no-stir natural peanut butter from Whole Foods. Hope this helps. Enjoy!

  111. […] these no bake lactation bites for my upcoming trip. And I’m not even a […]

      1. Hi Christie! I don’t provide nutritional information at this time because everyone uses different brands of ingredients which often have differing nutritional values. I would recommend plugging the ingredients you use into a free online nutrition calculator like: Hope this helps. Enjoy!

  112. Maegan. I just LOVE following along on your blog and Instagram. Everything you make is seriously drool worthy and I swear you have THE cutest kids. I just read Brooklynn’s (such a cute name btw) Birth Story and I loved reading this post. Although I’m not a mom (yet) I always love reading about child birth, etc. Long story short, you’re amazing!

    1. Love it!!! Its a wholesome snack that I don’t have to prepare in the middle of the night… just bring a couple and put on bedside table before bed and viola… great snack for middle of the night nursing sessions… I added a 1/2 cup of coconut and added a little more honey and peanut butter to get the texture right after adding the coconut!!!

  113. Yay! Thanks for the recipe! I sent my hubby to the grocery store to get some ingredients I don’t have at home. I also need something that boosts my supply. I also love “sweet peanut soup”, (google it if you’re interested). my mom made this during my first month of PP, my kinda comfort food. Basically just boil the white raw peanuts until soft and then add sugar! I use pressure cooker. Usually we eat it with Chinese long doughnut! (or you may substitute it with croissant or even donuts! haha.

    1. Thank you so much for this recipe, it is so addictively awesome!!!! I added a bit if cinnamon and think that is good and healthy too!!! My favorite part is the no-bake, I feel we don’t lose any of the nutrients to the cooking process. Thankfully, there are far less calories in these than I thought because I can’t stop eating them!!!

      1. Aubrey,
        Hey Mama! I loved your comment! Have these bites helped you with your milk supply?!
        I think it is so great to have a go to energy bite to help feed our little monsters!!!
        Thank you for your idea in adding the cinnamon!!! It will be fun eating these during the Holidays!! I hope you have an energetic day!! Hugs to you Mama and your littles!!
        xoxo, wldspice <3

      2. Hi Cheyenne! I don’t provide nutritional information because everyone uses different brands of ingredients which often have differing nutritional values. I would recommend plugging the ingredients you use into a free online nutrition calculator like: Hope this helps. Enjoy!

      3. You are doing amazing work! Thanks for sharing your wonderful recipes. I started on just Lactation Cookies and noticed minimal improvement in milk supply. So I started Domperidone (Motilium) 3x10mg three times a day. (I’ve got it online to save $, if you’re curious just search on Google for this keyword “Make24milk” ???? to find the reliable source) I got great results. Now I take Domperidone (Motilium) and your tasty Lactation cookies. This is a great combination. Love your recipes ❤️!