An adorable and delicious Chocolate Fondue Board is the perfect way to celebrate love with your sweethearts and friends! It’s such a quick and easy way to serve a special dessert!
- fresh strawberries
- mini palmier (I get mine from the Tom Thumb bakery or World Market)
- Keebler Fudge Stripe Cookies
- Rice Krispies Treats cut into hearts with a heart-shaped cookie cutter
- Town House Pretzel FlipSides Thins that look like hearts
- Chips Ahoy Red Velvet Cookies
- banana slices
- Heart-Shaped Shortbread Cherry Cookies from Aldi
- chocolate-filled rolled wafer cookies
- Chewy Chips Ahoy
- jumbo marshmallows, cut into hearts with a cookie cutter
- pink wafer cookies
- Heart-Shaped Pink Marshmallows
- Wilton Fondue Melting Chocolate Wafers, melted according to package directions
- Place a heart-shaped bowl in the middle of the board. Wait until the board is assembled to put the melted chocolate fondue in it.
- Surround the heart-shaped bowl with all of the treats to dip into the chocolate fondue.
- Just before you are ready to serve, melt the chocolate wafers according to the package directions. Gently pour the melted chocolate fondue into the heart-shaped bowl in the middle of the board and serve. Enjoy!
The fondue chocolate melting wafers stay melty for at least 30 minutes. If you need it to stay melty longer, either reheat it in 15 second intervals and put it back on the board or use a small ceramic fondue pot with a candle lit under it to keep the chocolate melted for easy dipping.