This easy graham cracker crust is sweet and buttery with a texture that’s the perfect mixture of chewy and crunchy.
- 1 and ¼ cups graham cracker crumbs (about 10 whole graham crackers)
- 1/2 cup (1 stick) butter, melted
- 1/4 cup granulated sugar
- In a large mixing bowl, mix together the graham cracker crumbs, melted butter and sugar until well combined. Pat mixture into and up the sides of a 9‐inch pie plate or into the bottom of a 9-inch springform pan or into the bottom of the required dish for the recipe you’re using it for. Tip: use the bottom of a measuring cup to pat down the mixture and be sure to pack it tightly.
- If using for a no-bake recipe, place the prepared pie crust in the refrigerator for at least 30 minutes or the freezer for at least 15 minutes before filling. If crust needs to be pre-baked, bake at 375°F for 6-8 minutes, let cool completely, and then proceed with recipe. If using the crust as part of a specific recipe, prepare and bake according to the recipe’s instructions.